Ben McLaughlin offers music that sounds like an electrified awakening earned within a psychedelic-folk odyssey.
At his core, McLaughlin is a songwriter, tethered to the ethers as much as his human vessel; an audible translator from his small corner of the universe. Sewn throughout his newest batch of songs, is the mourning of the inevitable winds of change through Self and family structures, the walking hand-in-hand with one’s own inner child, and at the end of it all, coming to a place of peace with how things are Now.
A multi-instrumentalist and audio engineer, he self-produces the songs he has written within the meditative state, weaving together melodic thoughts of self- and environmental-dissection with organic production. Reminiscent of a time when vinyl was king, the final results extends an open hand to the listener to experience an authenticity that allows them to lovingly transcend to their own higher essence.
First full-length solo album Midnight Hill arrives 5.2.25.
McLaughlin performs his work in many musical formats and settings, but by far the most powerful experience comes from a performance with The Mystic Marauders. The group has been described as “what I imagine seeing the [Grateful] Dead at one of those Acid Test shows was like,” by local music aficionado and archivist Brian Meccia (of Quiet Ocean). Listen to live recordings Here.